MyPBX U500 Installation Guide
http://www.yeastar.com 10/13
3.2.5 Overall Flow Chart
Figure 3-6 Overall Flow Chart
4. MyPBX U500 Basic Configurations
4.1 Factory Defaults
MyPBX U500 provides web-based configuration interface for administrator and account user. The user can
manage the device by log in the web interface.
The factory default IP address:
Access path: http://[IP address]
User Name: admin;
Password: password
Default SIP UDP port: 5060
There are 6 extensions set up by default. The user could use these extensions directly, edit or delete them.
Their extension numbers are “300”-“305” (6 numbers in a row) whose passwords are “p respective
extension number”.
4.2 Logging in the Web Configuration Panel
Firstly, please check if the IP address that assigns to the network port (LAN or WAN) is in the same segment
with the PC and which can be connected when commit ‘Ping +MyPBX IP address’ command. Start the
browser on PC. In the address bar, enter the IP address, click ‘enter’ button and then you can see MyPBX
Web Configuration Panel login page (See Figure 4-1).