Do not use the washer for extinguishing
re. A high-pressure water jet can move the
source before extinguishing it. The water vapour produced by contact between water and
is very hot and can cause severe burns.
Preparing for operation
First, attach the lance to the handle. The mounting socket of the handle and lance has special lugs, which make it possible to
install them only in one correct way. Push the lance into the socket in the handle until the latch mechanism (II) engages. A cor-
rectly installed lance cannot be disassembled except by pressing and holding the lock button and then ejecting the lance from
the housing socket (III).
Attach the detergent container to the socket in the lance. Slide the container into the socket and turn to lock its position (IV). By
turning the ring of the container socket, you can choose whether the detergent from the container is to be sucked in or not. Fill the
container with detergent so as to leave a free space of approx. 1 cm between the detergent surface and the top of the container.
Connect the hose supplying the washer with water. The device is equipped with a standard garden quick connector. Slide the
hose plug onto the socket in the washer until you hear the latch mechanism (V) engage. A correctly installed hose cannot be
disassembled except by pulling the hose plug ring, which leads to unlocking the latch mechanism.
At the other end of the hose, there is a
lter basket attached. Do not disassemble it, as it protects against sucking dirt together
with water.
Caution! If the pressure washer is to be supplied with a pressure water source, it is required to use another hose (not included
in the washer accessories). One end of this hose has to be equipped with a standard plug which
ts the universal garden quick
connector, and the other end, with a connector allowing for a tight connection with a water source.
Only the following 18 V Li-Ion YATO batteries can be used to power the tool: YT-82842, YT-82843, YT-82844 and YT-82845, which
can only be charged with YATO YT-82848 or YT-82849 chargers. It is forbidden to use other batteries with a di
erent rated voltage
and not matching the tool battery socket. It is forbidden to modify the socket or battery to make them
Slide the charged battery into the guides of the battery socket so that the battery latch holds it in place (VI). Check whether the
battery does not slide out of the tool socket by itself.
Working with the washer
To turn on the washer, press and hold the power switch. Wait until the washer sucks the water and the water jet comes out of the
The washer is turned o
by releasing the power switch. The water jet coming out of the nozzle may fade gradually.
The nozzle is equipped with a rotating ring, which allows for selecting the type of water jet coming out of the nozzle. The graphic
symbols on the ring should be opposite the marker on the lance (VII). The ring is equipped with a ratchet mechanism that makes it
easy to set it in the selected position. It is recommended to test all lance settings before starting work. To do this, point the nozzle
outlet at a safe place, e.g. in a bucket.
The high-pressure water jet is dangerous. Before starting to clean surfaces, make sure that they can be cleaned with a high-pres-
sure water jet.
Never point the water jet at electrical equipment.
Increasing the distance between the nozzle outlet and the cleaned surface reduces the pressure of the water jet on the surface.
Never apply the nozzle outlet to the cleaned surface, it is recommended to maintain a distance of at least 30 cm between the
nozzle outlet and the cleaned surface.
If not necessary, keep moving the water jet and do not aim it at one place. This will reduce the risk of damage to the cleaned
surface by prolonged exposure to high-pressure water jets.
If a detergent is used, use a preparation designed for pressure washers. Read and observe the information provided with the
preparation. This applies in particular to dilution and use. Do not use corrosive preparations.
After use, disconnect the battery from the washer, and the washer from the water source. Point the nozzle outlet at a safe place
and press the power switch. This will release the pressure of the water accumulated inside the washer. Then proceed with the
maintenance of the device.
Clean the washer’s housing with a damp cloth, then dry or leave to dry. Clean the ventilation openings with a soft brush or a soft
brush with plastic bristles, or with a compressed air stream with the pressure not exceeding 0.3 MPa. The water inlet is equipped