Safety Precautions for Painting Manipulator
Safety Precautions for Painting Manipulator
Respect the law, local regulations, and safety codes for connecting the
painting robot.
This manipulator meets the following requirements:
For the details of the standards, refer to "Standards" section in the
instruction manual of each manipulator.
MOTOMAN-MPX2600 meets the following requirements:
• IEC60079-0:
for electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
- Part 0: General requirements
• IEC 60079-2:
for electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
- Part 2: Pressurized enclosures “p”
• IEC60079-11:
for electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
- Part 11: Intrinsic safety “ i ”
In special cases, such that the specification of areas which has a risk of
explosion cannot be specified, contact the competent authorities or
YASKAWA representative.
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