8.7 Commissioning and Start-up behavior
In delivery the CPU is overall reset. The PROFIBUS part is deactivated and its LEDs are
off after Power ON.
The DP master can be served with bus parameters by means of a hardware configura-
tion. As soon as these are transferred the DP master goes online with his bus parameter.
This is shown by the RUN LED. Now the DP master can be contacted via PROFIBUS by
means of his PROFIBUS address. In this state the CPU can be accessed via PROFIBUS
to get configuration and DP slave project.
If the master has received valid configuration data, he switches to
Data Exchange
the DP slaves. This is indicated by the DE-LED.
After PowerON respectively a receipt of a new hardware configuration the configuration
data and bus parameter were transferred to the DP master. Dependent on the CPU state
the following behavior is shown by the DP master:
Master behavior at CPU STOP
The global control command "Clear" is sent to the slaves by the master. Here the
DE-LED is blinking.
DP slaves with fail safe mode were provided with output telegram length "0".
DP slaves without fail safe mode were provided with the whole output telegram
but with output data = 0.
The input data of the DP slaves were further cyclically transferred to the input
area of the CPU.
Master behavior at CPU RUN
The global control command "Operate" is sent to the slaves by the master. Here
the DE-LED is on.
Every connected DP slave is cyclically attended with an output telegram con-
taining recent output data.
The input data of the DP slaves were cyclically transferred to the input area of the
Due to the system the calculation of the bus rotation time in the Siemens SIMATIC Man-
ager differs from the real bus rotation time of a VIPA DP master. For this reason, with
many DP slaves and on a high transfer rate, the watchdog time should accordingly be
adjusted. Especially on error in the PROFIBUS communication, with transfer rates up to
1.5Mbit/s, you should increase the watchdog time by factor 3 and with higher transfer
rates (6Mbit/s respectively 12Mbit/s) by factor 6.
Start-up on delivery
Online with bus parameter
without slave project
Slave configuration
CPU state controls DP
Adjusting the "Watchdog"
VIPA System 300S
Deployment PROFIBUS communication
Commissioning and Start-up behavior
HB140 | CPU | 314-6CF23 | en | 19-01