ProMix 01 Getting Started Guide
This example shows ProMix 01 in a multitrack recording application.
It is basically the same as the MIDI Studio application with the addi-
tion of a multitrack recorder. Although not specifically designed for
use as a recording mixer, multitrack recording with ProMix 01 is pos-
sible with a little patching. In the illustration, an analog multitrack
tape recorder is shown. This could, however, just as well be a hard disk
ST OUT, SEND3, and SEND4 outputs are connected to the patchbay
where the multitrack recorder input jacks can be accessed. To record
to tracks 1 and 2, for example, SEND3 and SEND4 signals are patched
into multitrack inputs 1 and 2. Since most tracks are recorded in
mono, however, you’ll probably only need to make one patch. For ste-
reo recording, SEND3 and SEND4 can be configured as a stereo pair.
In this case, an additional pan control appears on each input channel
and a balance control on the stereo input channel, effectively an inde-
pendent stereo mix can be set up.
The multitrack recorder’s outputs are connected to the ProMix 01
inputs. Connecting all ProMix 01 inputs and the multitrack
recorder’s outputs to a patchbay would allow you to patch in tape
channels as they are used, thus leaving ProMix 01 inputs available for
connecting other instruments.
The multitrack recorder is controlled via a MIDI connection from the
MIDI sequencer. MMC (MIDI Machine Control) commands make
the recorder start play, rewind, record, etc., as the transport controls
on the MIDI sequencer are clicked with a mouse. If your recorder does
not conform to MMC, may be you need a synchronizer box or inter-
face for it. Failing that, the last tape track can be striped with SMPTE
timecode or an FSK code and a converter box used to convert this to
either MIDI clock or MTC (MIDI Timecode), whichever your MIDI
sequencer accepts. The MIDI sequencer can then be slaved to the
ProMix 01, a MIDI sequencer, and a controllable multitrack recorder
provide fully automated mixdown for MIDI instruments and acous-
tic instruments.
In conjunction with a MIDI sequencer and multitrack recorder,
ProMix 01 provides fully automated mixdown for MIDI instru-
ments, acoustic instruments, and vocals.