PM1D Manager V2 for Windows Owner’s Manual
Installing PM1D Manager
This section explains how to install the PM1D Manager program.
If an older version of PM1D Manager is already
installed, you must first uninstall it. (For the unin-
stallation procedure, refer to p.5.)
Before you begin the installation, you must exit all applica-
tions and memory-resident programs.
into your CD-ROM drive, and open the CD-ROM
drive from “My Computer.”
2. Inside the “WIN” folder, double-click the
“Setup.exe” icon.
The opening screen of the installer will appear.
Depending on your PC system, you may be asked to restart
the system during the installation process. If so, installation
will continue automatically after you restart.
3. As directed by the instructions on the screen, click
the “Next” button as needed to proceed to the next
4. When the “Select Installation Folder” screen
appears, click the Browse button if necessary, spec-
ify the installation folder, and proceed to the next
Continue following the on-screen instructions, and
installation will be completed.
When installation is complete, a shortcut icon will be
added to the Start menu and to the desktop.
Before you install the software, you must read the license agreement (licence_e.txt) found on the
“PM1D SYSTEM SOFTWARE” CD-ROM. You may use the software on the CD-ROM only if you
accept the terms of this license agreement.