Parameters /
• CTRL CHANGE (Control Change) Bank
Range: 1 ... 200%
This bank of 16 virtual “knobs” lets you set the Control Change value (for the currently set
below) for each step of the Step Sequencer pattern. This deter-
mines the depth of the Control Change effect. For example, if the Control Change Num-
ber is set to 74 (Brightness, VCF Cutoff), the value here determines the tone or timbre of
the note.
To set the Control Change value, adjust the parameter normally by “turning” the appropri-
ate knob, or move the cursor to the value window above the knob and use the right/left
mouse buttons to step up or down through the available values, or enter the value directly
from the computer keyboard.
• The
parameter must be set to an appropriate value for Control
Change to have any effect. Also, use the
function along with this to shape the
sound in a variety of interesting and complex ways.
• CTRL CHANGE NO. (Control Change Number)
Settings: Off,
1... 95 (Control Change Numbers 1 ... 95)
, AT (After Touch)
The Control Number Change setting determines the type of MIDI Control Change which
can be output upon sequencer play. To set this, click on the CTRL CHANGE NO. button
to call up the pop-up value list, and click the desired setting. Once the Control Number is
set, the
value can be set for each note with the knobs. For example, if
you set the Control Number to 74 (Brightness, VCF Cutoff), selecting a different Control
Change event value setting at each step lets you change the tone or timbre of each note
with the Control Change value above. The set Control Change Number value appears to
the left of the button.
Refer to the list of
and their commonly used controllers. For
more information about MIDI and MIDI Control Change messages, see the PLG150-AN
Owner’s Manual.
<Editing Shortcut for Step Sequencer Data>
• For the following Step Sequencer parameters, you can select multiple knobs by holding down
[Shift] and clicking the desired knobs. This lets you edit all of the selected knobs together as
a group.
Note No.
Gate Time
Control Change Value