9. Trouble shooting and error logs
Specifying the cause and first aid
CSP board is the center of the piano driving / sensing system, I/O center (DIO100) is the operation center.
1) Power supply related
--> Check along the power turning procedure, see 5-11.
--> Check if the AC cord unplugged before the system stops completely
2) Data communication related
--> Wireless LAN connecting - check to see if LAN card is inserted for both PRC100 &
--> Hang up the wireless communication due to the excess of sequential operation
- Reboot or reset wireless control, see 5-12-3.
--> Unit connections - Verify all connection check in the maintenance mode, see 6-4.
3) Piano system related
--> Turn power to standby mode from active and turn it on again to reset CSP board.
4) Drive/sensor unit related of the piano system
--> Certain key does not function well - Playback problem --> keyboard calibration
- Recording problem --> sensor calibration
- Silent (Quiet) play to find out key numbers which have
sensor problem.
5) I/O center related
--> AWM (piano), XG(playback only), AEM tone generators - post delivery check see 5-8.
--> Hard disk problem - Check red LEDs on the side of I/O center ( all stop blinking - Error )
I/O Center
CSP board
Key / Hammer sensor
Key drive unit
Operation center
Piano center
Pedal drive/
Media Center
Silent motor drive
Error log history
Power supply
Not only error but also operation or
maintenance history will be stored
until 5,000 records maximum are in
the data base. 2,000 records out of
5,000 can be listed up sorting by
time or code.
E1 coded error must be fixed as the
first priority. E0 is just warning and
it is not necessary to be fixed.
The latest calibration history is also
available to see.