used for Performance layers. Now try to find a voice that
works with the sound just set for Layer 1. You have just found
the basis for your first sound creation!
The more alert readers among you may have noticed the
mention of bank Pre 12 in the last X-PERIMENT. This little
riddle is easily solved by looking at the DATA LIST on page
14. Here you will find a further 6 Material Voices as drum
kits, which can be found in Performances 128 to 128. These
drum sounds are discussed in detail in section “Techno/
Dance Productions with the CS1x
All the Voices shown in the DATA LIST (pages 12 – 14) can
also be used for Multi Parts 5-16 in the Performance mode
(in addition to the XG voices and drum kits). There they can
be selected using Bank/Program changes. More about this in
chapter “Song Production – the Basics”, which also looks at
the somewhat neglected XG Voices in greater detail.
Performance Storage
and Management
You can transfer single Performances or complete Perfor-
mance Banks from the CS1x to any computer, be it a PC,
Atari or MAC, and vice versa with the aid of a Bulk Dump.
This allows you to save this sound data to floppy or hard disk.
The same thing can be achieved with MIDI Data Recorders
(as described in the manual) like. the MDF2. If desired you
can keep an archive of CS1x Performances. If you have little
or no experience in this field, we recommend you read this
section carefully. First we would like to take a look at trans-
ferring all USER Performances and UTILITY settings to
the computer and then back to the CS1x.
Call up UTILITY – BULK DUMP and dial-up function “Bulk
Dump All”. The following sequencer settings are required:
MIDI Thru off, SysEx on, a slow tempo (around 80 bpm).
Now start recording, wait for the count-in to finish and then
start the transmission by choosing YES at the CS1x. Stop
the sequencer as soon as it finishes receiving data, and save
the newly recorded track, which now contains a long list of
Sys-Ex blocks, to a floppy or a hard disk.
Transmitting the data back is just as easy. Warning: don‘t
let yourself be irritated by the note about “Bulk Dump
Receive” in the manual (page 42). This function, or one like
it, simply isn‘t available on your CS1x! Data transmission is
instead achieved simply by playing back the recorded
sequencer track. You are not even required to set anything up
on the CS1x. By the way, the display should confirm the
incoming data with a “Receiving” message.
If you want to continue with the X-PERIMENT, load files
and CSEXTRA.MID (from the “BLUE X-TRA” disk”) and send
the respective banks to the CS1x.
Now that you have transferred various banks to the CS1x,
you may wonder how Performances based on different banks
can be combined. Simple: use the UTILITY function “Bulk
Dump 1 Perf”!
Let‘s say you want to copy Performance 001 “Pf Wurlitza”
from the Extra bank to the User bank. First of all send the
Extra bank as described above (“CSEXTRA.MID”) complete
from the sequencer to the CS1x. Select memory location
USER 001. Now call up UTILITY – BULK DUMP – “1 Perf”,
start recording a new sequencer track (set this up as in the
previous X-PERIMENT) and press YES. Follow this by send-
ing the complete USER bank (“CSUSER.MID”) to the CS1x.
Finally, play back the earlier recorded Bulk Dump for the
Extra Performance “Pf. Wurlitza”. The sound is now initially
held in the working memory of the CS1x, and can now be
saved to the USER memory of your choice using STORE.
It should now be clear how single Performances are man-
aged. As a rule of thumb however you will want to transmit
one bank‘s several Performances into another. For this we
would recommend you first send all the required Perfor-
mances separately to the sequencer (1 track per sound!).
Next transfer the target bank; now you can finally transmit
the required Performances back to the CS1x, one by one.
Remember however to STORE each Performance as it
arrives, otherwise each transmitted Performance would
simply overwrite the last held in the temporary work space of
the CS1x. And it goes without saying of course that when
finished you should send your newly created bank com-
pletely to the sequencer using “Bulk Dump All”, and there
save it to floppy or hard disk.