• Tool Bar
Click the “Toolbar” parameter in the “Setting” menu to display or hide the Toolbar.
A check mark appears next to the “Toolbar” parameter when the Toolbar is displayed.
• Status Bar
The “Status Bar” describes the action to be executed by the selected menu item, or the depressed toolbar
button, and keyboard latch state.
A check mark appears next to the “Status Bar” parameter when the Status Bar is displayed.
This menu sets the operating window parameters of the ADMS-12 programmer.
Click the “Tile (up and down)” parameter in the “Window” menu to display multiple template files by
dividing the window into two lists (upper and lower parts).
Click the “Tile (up and down)” parameter in the “Window” menu to display multiple template files by
dividing the window into two lists (right and left parts).
Click the “Cascade” parameter in the “Window” menu to display multiple templates in cascade format.