EN 2.10 Shuttle Manual 1712
SW 838023
Min. level for accept of ultrasonic echo
Enter the access code (see page
) and press 'Shift' + 'B':
periodically has a system error and/or the level
readout jumps to a high or low level during measuring in fa-
vourable conditions, it may be necessary to increase the limit
for accept of the ultrasonic echo. (See also page
On the contrary, it can be necessary to decrease the limit,
if it is difficult to get a good echo, e.g. long measuring dis-
tances on difficult surfaces.
Changes may affect the possible measuring range.
Use the arrow keys to select a new value:
Confirm the new setting:
The actual setting is shown immediately:
(Value in seconds.)
is ready for a new selection of a password protect-
ed menu after pressing 'Enter'.
(Re-entering the access code is not necessary if a menu
selection is made within 5 minutes.)
Press 'Escape' if no further password protected menu
selections are needed …
... or confirm with 'Enter' that the changes should be saved,
whereupon Shuttle
revert to normal read-out, and the next
password protected menu can be selected.
(Press 'Escape' if the changes should not be saved.)