Xtreme Power Conversion Corporation
Web/SNMP Cards
Page 43
UPS Management
Software Upgrade
The application software in the SNMP/Web adapter may be upgraded (please note that the upgrade procedure can
be performed only by the supervisor and by rw users). The procedure to upgrade the software is described below:
• Transfer the new software (gedeappXXX.bin) to the device using ftp or sftp
• Start the upgrade by injecting the upgrade command at the console or by pressing the upgrade button in
the Upgrade web page (System section)
• Reboot the system to complete the upgrade procedure
: Make sure to use binary transfer to upload the file (binary transfer is selected with the binary FTP com-
mand). Particularly, the FTP client on Windows defaults to ascii transfer – ascii transfer corrupts the binary file
during upload, and the upgrade procedure fails.
Although the procedure itself may seem trivial, there is a set of advices to be considered. First of all, the upgrade
procedure has been tested to be safe. However, any interruption to the procedure (even accidental) may cause
an abnormal termination. This means that any access to the adapter may be lost if the upgrade procedure is not
completed successfully – at that stage, the only recovery mechanism is the adapter replacement. Therefore:
• Never power off or un-plug the device during upgrade
• Use only GE officially released software
• Avoid unnecessary upgrades
Configuration File
The SNMP/Web adapter settings are stored in non-volatile memory. It is possible to store the settings in a file,
download it, or even upload a new configuration file.
To store the settings in a file, inject the nvdump command at the console. This will create a gedeups.cfg file in the
FTP area. The file can then be downloaded via ftp or sftp.
Also the web interface offers access to the SNMP/Web adapter configuration: Configuration page in the System
section. The configuration is shown in a text area and it can be selected and copied to any text- based editor.
Finally, it is also possible to upload a new configuration file. This procedure can be performed only by the supervi-
sor or rw users. Mind that this is not the recommended procedure to change the adapter settings, as the device
will not perform any check on the downloaded file – operation of the SNMP/Web adapter may be severely affected
by a corrupted configuration file. In any case the procedure is described below:
• Transfer the new configuration file (gedeups.cfg) to the device using ftp or sftp
• Update the configuration by injecting the nvupdate command at the console
• Reboot the system to begin using the new configuration
The SNMP/Web adapters maintain a log of the user activity (System log) and a log of UPS alarms (UPS log). The logs
can be accessed over the web interface (Log section) or over the console interface (syslog and upslog commands).
The logs can also be stored in a file and downloaded from the adapter. In order to download the log files, inject
the logdump command at the console. This will create ups.log and sys.log in the FTP area. The files can then be
downloaded via ftp or sftp.