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1. Use UP/DOWN keys to select one of the heart rate control program from P18 to P22.
2. Press the ENTER key to enter your workout program
3. The AGE will flash at P18 to P21 programs and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set your
AGE. The default age is 35.
4. At program 22, the TARGET PULSE will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set
your TARGET PULSE between 80 to 180. The default TARGET PULSE is 120.
5. The TIME will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set your exercise TIME. Press
ENTER key to confirm your desired TIME.
6. The DISTANCE will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set your target DISTANCE.
Press ENTER key to confirm your desired DISTANCE.
7. The CALORIES will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set your exercise
CALORIES. Press ENTER key to confirm your desired CALORIES.
8. Press the START/STOP key to begin exercise.
Body Fat Program: Body Fat
Program 23 is a special program design to calculate users’ body fat ratio and to offer a specific
loading profile for users. There are 3 body types divided according to the FAT% calculated.
Type1: BODY FAT% > 27
Type2: 27 BODY FAT% 20
Type3: BODY FAT % < 20
The computer will show the test results of FAT PERCENT
1. Use UP/DOWN keys to select the BODY FAT (P23) program.
2. Press the ENTER key to enter your workout program.
3. The HEIGHT will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set your HEIGHT. Press
ENTER key to confirm your HEIGHT. The default HEIGHT is 170cm or 5’07” (5feet 7 inches).
4. The WEIGHT will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set your WEIGHT. Press
ENTER key to confirm your WEIGHT. The default WEIGHT is 70kgs or 155lbs.
5. The GENDER will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to select your sex. Number 1
means man and number 0 means female. Press ENTER key to confirm your Gender. The
default sex is 1 (MAN).
6. The AGE will flash and you can press UP or DOWN keys to set your AGE. Press ENTER key
to confirm your AGE. The default AGE is 35.
7. Press the START/STOP key to begin body fat measurement. If the window show E on the
window, please make sure your hands are attached well on the grips or the chest belt is touch
well on your body. Then press the START/STOP key again to begin body fat measurement.
8. After finished your measurement, the computer will show the values of FAT PERCENT on the
LCD display.
9. Press START/STOP key to begin exercise.