MTi and MTx User Manual and Tech. Doc., © 2005, Xsens Technologies B.V.
Typical User Scenarios
This section is intended to help you find the right documentation for the way you want to use
your MTi or MTx.
1.3.1 Getting Started with the MT Software
The easiest way to get started with your MTi or MTx is to use the
MT Software
. This easy
to use software with familiar Windows user interface lets you view 3D orientation in real-
time, log ASCII data files, change and view various device settings and properties. It is an
easy way to get to know and to demonstrate the capabilities of the MTi and MTx miniature
inertial measurement units.
Please refer to the
MT Software User Manual
for more information on this topic!
1.3.2 Interface through COM-object API
If you want to develop a software application that uses the MTi or MTx you can consider
using the COM-object API (MTObj.DLL) which provides easy to use function calls to obtain
data from the sensor or to change settings. The COM-object takes care of the hardware
communication interfacing and it is an easy way to get (soft) real-time performance. Both
polling and events based methods are supported.
Please refer to the
MT Software Development Kit Documentation
for more
information on this topic!
: This provides backwards compatibility of your software developed for the MT9-B
1.3.3 Direct low-level communication with MTi or MTx
Direct interfacing with the MTi or MTx (RS-232/422) is the natural choice if you are looking
for full-control, maximum flexibility and/or have hard real-time performance requirements.
The MTi/MTx’s low power embedded DSP does all the calculations/calibration, you just
retrieve the data from the COM-port using the MTi/MTx binary communication protocol
using with streaming (free-running) mode or polling (request) mode. Even this part is made
easy for you by the inclusion of the source code (C++) of the “Xbus” communication class in
the MT SDK. Example C/C++ application code should get you quickly started on your
development platform of choice.
Applies to: Windows PC platform
Applies to: Windows PC platform
Applies to:
(RT)OS or processor platform!