• This product is not suitable for children except under the direct supervision of
an adult.
• First-time builders should seek advice from people who have building
experience in order to assemble the model correctly and to allow the model
to reach its performance potential.
• Assemble this kit only in places away from the reach of very small children.
• Exercise care when using any hand tools and sharp instruments during
• Carefully read all manufacturers warnings and cautions for any parts used in
the construction and use of your XRAY T1 EVO2.
• Take adequate safety precautions prior to operating this model. You are
responsible for this model's assembly and safe operation! XRAY MODEL
RACING CARS does not take responsibility for any injury, damage,
or misuse of this product while assembling or operating it.
• Take care when building; some parts may have sharp edges. Keep small
parts out of reach of small children.
• Do not put fingers or any objects inside rotating or moving parts!
• Right after use, do NOT touch equipment on the model because they may
generate high temperatures!
• When learning to drive, go to an area that has no obstacles that can
damage your car if you crash.
• Always turn off the receiver/speed control or disconnect XRAY T1 EVO2's
battery pack before turning your transmitter off.
• Disconnect the battery pack before storing.
• Remove any sand, mud, dirt, grass or water before putting your model away.
• Use a recommended charger for the batteries and follow the instructions
correctly. Over-charging or charging incorrectly using inferior chargers can
cause the batteries pack to become dangerously hot.
• Regularly check the charger for potential hazards such as damage to the
cable, plug, casing or other defects. Ensure that any damage is rectified
before using the charger again.
• Do not allow the transmitter batteries to run flat so you don't lose control of
the car, otherwise you may lose control of the car.
• Do not allow any metal part to short circuit the batteries or speed control.
• Be sure that your operating frequency is clear before running and never
share the same frequency with somebody else at the same time!
• When the model is behaving strangely immediately stop the model and
check and clear the problem.
• Do not stall the motor. The speed control will fail within seconds if power is
applied to the motor when the car cannot move.
• Do not use your model:
- near real cars, animals, or people that are unaware
that an R/C car is being driven.
- in places where children and people gather.
- in residential districts and parks.
- indoors and in limited space.
- in wet conditions.
- in the street.
Disregard of the above cautions may lead to accidents, personal injury, or
property damage! XRAY MODEL RACING CARS does not take responsibility
for any injury, damage, or misuse of this product while assembling or
operating it.
Coonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss,, yyoouurr nneew
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mooddeell rraacciinngg ccaarr iiss nnoow
w ffiinniisshheedd..
PPrroocceeeedd ttoo tthhee SSeett--U
Upp BBooookk ttoo aaddjjuusstt tthhee ssuussppeennssiioonn ggeeoom
Содержание T1 EVO2
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