Series EJ, ET, EY, FJ & FR
102002-177 Rev M2
\1020\02177M2.doc 17 Jun 2019
The timeout should be disabled for software debugging purposes only.
Use extreme caution when disabling the timeout. For the safety of the user, it is
recommended to always re-enable the timeout once software debugging is complete.
The 6 byte command to enable/disable the communication timeout is the “C” command.
The 1.5 second communication timeout is enabled at the factory by default. If the user
disables the timeout feature, the power supply will continue to produce high voltage during a
loss of communication. This setting is stored in the power supply and will be recalled at
turn on. A proper command, with no errors will result in an Acknowledge Response (“A”).
The timeout enable/disable is toggled via Byte 3. The bit assignments are as follows:
Byte 3:
Bit 0 0 = Timeout Enabled, 1 = Timeout disabled
Bit 1 unused
Bit 2 unused
Bit 3 unused
The format of the “C” command to disable the timeout is:
SOH C 1 Check 1 Check 2 <CR>
Entered at the keyboard:
Ctrl-A C 1
7 4
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
01 43 31 37 34
where the checksum, which does not include the SOH character, will always be 74 to disable
the time out.
The command to re-enable the timeout is:
Crtl-A C 0 7 3
Sent in ASCII coded hexadecimal:
01 43 30 37
where the checksum, which does not include the SOH character, will always be 73 to re-
enable the timeout.