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Manual v1.0 // Five Finger Fuzz v20210921 


Using the Module 

Again, this is a passive module. It may or may not cooperate with your other modules. If you see that a module doesn’t behave as expected when 
connected to the Five Finger Fuzz, try a different module.  



Connect the output of another module (eg: an oscillator or other sound source) to the input jack. Patch the output jack to a mixer, output 
module, etc. to hear the input with some added “fuzz.”  



Turn the potentiometer clockwise to add more fuzz. If you find that a module doesn’t like being connected to the Five Finger Fuzz input, try 
turning the pot counterclockwise to see if it’s happier. 



The top switch determines which diode type the circuit uses. Two of the bottom switches are then 
used to change how those diodes are incorporated into the circuit. By flipping the two switches, you 
can change the circuit to include only two of the diodes, three diodes (in asymmetrical configurations), 
or all four. For more information you can see the 


, but it is recommended that you just flip 

switches until it sounds interesting. 

In the illustrations at right, the orange highlights show the switches that function when the top switch 
is in the left position. The blue highlights show that the bottom switches function only when the top 
switch is flipped in the right direction. 

Note: The description above ignores the fact that each switch also has a center position in which 
neither of its two selections is active. This affords even more possibilities for experimentation. You 
might think that switching the top switch to its center “off” position would make the input pass through 
to the output unchanged, however even in this case, the 3mm red LED adds some fuzz! 



Some tips: 


Again, this is a passive module. It may or may not cooperate with your other modules. If you see that a module doesn’t behave as expected 
when connected to the Five Finger Fuzz, try a different module.  


Some sound sources sound better with this passive diode fuzz circuit than others. If you feed something to the input and don’t get interesting 
results at the output, keep experimenting with other types of sounds before you consider switching to a different diode type. In any case, 
temper your expectations. While this module can actually have very interesting, unexpected effects on certain sound sources, it is a passive 
module and will not create the extreme distortion that an active module might be able to. 

