Replacing the Bracket
The Alveo U50 card can be used with either a full-height or half-height bracket. Depending on
your system, it may be necessary to switch between the full and half-height bracket on the card.
The bracket is secured to the card with four screws, as shown in the figure below. To replace the
bracket, follow the instructions below.
1. Remove screws 1 and 2 from the card.
2. Remove screws 3 and 4 from the card.
3. Remove the bracket from the card.
4. Place the new bracket on the card and align it with the card's connectors and screw locations.
5. Replace screws 1 and 2 on the new bracket.
6. Replace screws 3 and 4 on the new bracket.
Figure 3: Screw Locations on Bracket
Chapter 3: Card Installation Procedures
UG1370 (v1.7) December 9, 2020
Alveo U50 Data Center Accelerator Card Installation Guide