To retrieve the data displayed on the LCD screen of the fadec. The command is “RSD”.
Then the command would be:
C7h 2Ch 52h 53h 44h 2Ch 0Dh
C7h -> Sync
2Ch -> “,” Separator
52h -> “R”
53h -> “S”
44h -> “D”
2Ch -> “,” Separator
0Dh -> CR, last byte.
The ecu will return two strings.
First, a copy of the command received, followed by the data requested
In the above example, it will return:
The command received: C7h, RSD, 0Dh
C7h->Sync byte
2Ch -> “,” Separator
Payload in ASCII “TrimLow EGT 20CRpm 50.000Pw=124”
2Ch -> “,” Separator
0Dh -> CR, last byte.