Congratulations on the purchase of your new adapter. Xicoy are dedicated to the design
and production of electronic controllers to the highest standards of quality and reliability to
bring you the customer the very latest next generation designs.
The Xicoy serial adapter provides the protocol translation between the data from the
engine collected by the different Xicoy Fadec turbine controllers (from model 107K) and
JetsMunt specific controllers which use different proprietary protocols to a standard
asynchronous protocol to allow the data to be collected and used in other systems like test
bench setups on universities.
Electrical connections:
The adapter connects to the ecu trough the supplied 3 wire patch lead, and it is powered
by the ecu.
On the other side of the adapter there is a RJ12 connector of which 3 pins are used, TX,
RX and ground. Ground is the same as the ecu and engine ground; take this fact in to
account on industrial installations to avoid ground loops. Signal levels are of 3,3V TTL.
Under request Xicoy Electronica can supply a 3 wire lead installed in place of the RJ12
connector, or a RS232 compliant lead.
The adapter has 2 small LED lights to show its working status, one green and one red.
The green led blinks to confirm that there is traffic from ecu to adapter, and the red led
blinks to signal the traffic from the adapter to the external device.