Phaser 7500 Color Printer
System Administrator Guide
about the configuration file, 16
access control lists, 40
specifying access to printer settings, 44
specifying printer access using SNMP, 57
specifying printing access, 45
adding or editing traps
SNMP v1/v2c, 55
adding or editing trays for SNMP v1/v2c, 55
Access List, 40
account, 38
analyzing printer usage data, 27
auto-configuring driver, 17
basic concepts, 38
CentreWare IS
checking printer status, 22
configuring Admin and Key User settings, 44
configuring SNMP, 53
configuring the Print Host Access List, 45
job accounting, 23
locking the control panel, 52
restricting access to SNMP and SSL pages, 53
securing the printer, 41
certificates, 39
root-signed, 40
self-signed, 39
setting up, 42
email server settings, 31
EtherTalk settings, 34
FTP settings, 31
hard drive overwrite security setting, 46
IPP settings, 30
LPR settings, 29
mDNS settings, 19
Port 9100 settings, 29
SLP settings, 19
TCP/IP settings, 28
checking printer status, 22
cloning, 35
color tables
loading, 16
commands, 71
community names, 54
concepts, 38
configuration card, 65
configuration card parameters, 65
configuration file, 16
Admin and Key User settings, 44
Print Host Access List, 45
SNMP, 53
SNMP Access Control List, 57
SNMP for maximum security, 53
SSL, 43
configuring SNMP v1/v2
community names, 54
configuring SNMP v1/v2c, 54
configuring SNMP v3, 55
control panel
locking menus, 52
automatic removal of secure, personal,
and proof jobs option, 46, 47
digital certificates, 39
EtherTalk, 34
FTP, 31
HTTP, 28
IPP, 30
LPR, 29
mDNS, 19
Port 9100, 29
SLP, 19
SNMP, 58
TCP/IP, 28
discovery protocols, 19
auto-configuring, 17
global print driver, 17
installer, 12
mobile express driver, 18
Walk-Up printing, 18