Chair of the Board
By its authority and upon recommendation of the
faculty, the Board of Directors hereby confers upon
the degree of
in Education with all rights, honors, privileges and responsibilities thereunto appertaining.
Given this twenty-second day of May, two thousand fourteen.
Printed on a X
erox® Color 800i/1000i P
ress with X
erox® Gold Met
allic Dry Ink on 80lb Linen co
ver. ©2014 X
erox Corpor
ation. All Rights R
Xerox and X
erox and Design® ar
e trademarks of or licensed to X
erox Corpor
ation in the U.S. and/or other coun
tries. 788P00084 01/15
Raymond Kennedy
Whether you need a few or many, produce digital metallic
effects without the cost-per-page or concerns associated with
custom foil stamp dyes and time-consuming offset methods.
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