If after the adjustment of the temperature sensor the ‘mode’ button is not used
for a duration of 10 seconds the charger will exit the set-up mode. If at that time
a battery has already been connected then the charging process will start
according to the selected program.
The selected settings will always briefly light up when turning on the charger. In
the appendix you will find a brief list of all the charge settings.
If the mains voltage supply is removed, the last chosen charging program will
remain in the memory of the battery charger. In the case the charger will next
be utilized for a different function than the previous one then the proper
adjustments will have to be made to the charging program.
The battery should be charged in a ventilated area because the battery may emit
explosive gases.
The charger must be mounted in a dry environment, protected from moisture,
dirt and vibrations. Be sure that there is enough space around the charger and
provide the possibility of air circulation. This is important for cooling of the
charger and release of gases emitted.
The Promax 200 may not be used outdoors.
Do not charge when there is a fuel leak or fuel is evaporating.
Wire thickness
You can use the formula given below to determine the correct cable thickness.
Keep the cables as short as possible.
Max. current x distance x 0,2 = cable mmq
battery-charger (m)
Example: ProMax 212-25 is connected on a distance of 2 meters.
25 (current) x 2 (meters) x 0,2 = 10mmq
If the result is not a standard cable thickness, then use the nearest standard
cable thickness.
The charger must be mounted horizontally on a stable
surface. With the supplied mounting strips, the charger
be fixed. The also supplied rubber adhesive feet must then
be sticked on the bottom of the housing for protection and