PV-45208 Photovoltaic Inverter
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Copyright 2002, Xantrex Technology Inc.
DOCUMENT: 151710
The PV-45208 is equipped with a Liquid Crystal Display. The display consists of 4 text lines contain-
ing the following information:
Line 1: System Status -
The current operating state of the inverter.
Line 2: DC Current or Fault Descriptions -
This line reports the DC current (amps). If the PV-
45208 is faulted, this line will report a description of the fault condition.
Line 3: Bus Voltage or Fault Code -
This line reports the Bus Voltage, in volts. If the PV-45208
is faulted, this line will report a code for the fault condition.
Line 4: Inverter Output Power or Countdown Timer -
During normal operation, this line will
report the inverter real time output power. During initialization or start-up, this line displays the
countdown timer.
The on/off switch is used to enable or disable system operation. The on/off switch is also used to reset
the inverter and clear any system faults.
The following is a typical display of the LCD during the six main operating states and an on/off switch.
System Starting
Power Tracking
System Wake Up Test