Connect battery packs and power up nodes
It highly recommended that you perform a test
using a 312 VDC battery before permanent
wiring. Insert battery pack wire leads into the
TMD device connectors as pictured.
Be careful not to reverse the polarity (+/)
when connecting the wires as this will
permanently damage the devices.
Power up all nodes. After all nodes are on, the
two green LEDs should be illumnitated. If other
LEDs are lit, please see the “LED Status
Indicators” section of this document.
Deploy the nodes around the detection area
Place the nodes uniformly around the detection area at approximately 0.5 1.0 meter off the ground.
Choose locations where you plan to mount the nodes permanently. Remember that each node is not
actually a sensor, the connection “lines” going from node to node are what do the sensing. The more lines
that cross a given location, the more sensitive the detection is.
Do not place nodes on or near the ground or the system will not function properly. Make sure the devices
are completely stationary as movement of the nodes will cause false triggering.
Test motion detection and adjust sensitivity as needed
1. Power up the processing unit and wait for 20 seconds. The two green LEDs should be illuminated
Copyright © 2015 XANDEM
TMD User Guide (Rev C.2) Page 9