B A S F S P E C T R O P H O T O M E T E R 1 2 / 6
Instrument Specifications
Measurement geometries
Spectral multi-angle measurement geometries according ASTM:
r45as-15, r45as15, r45as25, r45as45, r45as75, r45as110
Image-based texture measurement geometries
The camera placed at 15° to the nominal.
Measurement geometries: r15as15, r15as-45, r15as45, 15as80 and semi-diffuse
Spectral analyzer technology
A spectral analyzer at 45° to the nominal is in place for above multi-angle measurement geometries.
Holographic diffraction grating with 128-pixel diode array (i1 technology)
Continuous spectral resolution of 10 nm
Pick-up spot size ~9 x 12 mm
Camera technology
CMOS RGB camera
Field of view 9 x 12mm
Computed standardized HDR images with calibrated resolution
Pixel size 25
in object space
Optical resolution 50
Color space XYZ
Data format EXR
Directional illumination
LED technology
White high-power LED
Wavelength range
Wavelength range of illumination: default 400nm-700nm
Spot size
Illumination spot size 13 x 16mm
Spectral measurement performance
Short-term repeatability (MCDM)
MCDM: Mean color difference to mean. 10 measurements every 10s
MCDM <= 0.05 dE on BCRA white
At 23°+-1°C and 40-60% relative humidity
100% test on manufacturing line.
Inter-instrument performance MCDP, XCDP, XCDS
MCDP: Mean color difference to the population
XDCP: Max color difference to the population
XCDS: Max color difference to standard. Standard is defined as the MA91 centroid population transferred to the
HEFI calibration line.
Содержание BASF 12/6
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