Receiver User’s Guide
X-Digital Systems
Rev A - August 29, 2009
current subnet mask
GATEWAY [a.b.c.d]
Sets the Ethernet port’s gateway to the argument. Run
without a gateway address argument will display the
current gateway.
Sets the Ethernet port’s DNS servers. One to four DNS
servers can be specified in a coma delimited list. Run
without a DNS server argument will display the current
DNS servers
Shows the IP routing table for the interface
WWW [a.b.c.d],[w,x,y,z]
Sets the Ethernet’s primary URL to the first argument,
and sets the secondary URL to the second argument.
Run without an IP address argument will display the
current web servers
PROXY [a.b.c.d]:PORT
Sets the Ethernet port’s
proxy address and port. Run
without a proxy server IP address will display the
current proxy status.
Table 2. E0 or E1 Command Parameters
The E0/E1 commands are available to all profiles.
4.2.3 The Factory Command
This command will reset all of the receiver settings to factory defaults. The syntax is
FACTORY DEFAULTS, [USER/FULL] where USER will reset basic settings to factory
defaults and FULL will additionally reset Ethernet and Tuner parameters. Using this
command will require a receiver restart. Typing FACTORY NETWORK will display the
network ID for the receiver.
The FACTORY command is only available to the tech profile.
4.2.4 The FAN Command
The FAN command is used to view or set the speed of the internal cooling fan. The
following settings are available
FAN SHOW will display the current speed setting (LOW. MEDIUM, or HIGH)
of the fan as well as the exact RPM
FAN X AUTO will set fan X to be automatically managed
FAN X val will set the speed of fan X to be val percent of maximum speed
FAN X TACH will display the current RPM for fan X
The FAN command is available to all profiles.
4.2.5 The HELP Command
This command prints all of the commands available to the current profile. There are no
options for this command.
The HELP command is available to all profiles.