User manual Proteus-II
Figure 6: Power up
4.3. Quickstart example
This section describes how to quick start the data transmission between two Proteus-II mod-
ules. The goal is to setup a connection between module A and module B, transmit some data
and close the connection again.
In this section, all packet data from or to the modules is given in
hexadecimal notation
. For
quick testing, a pair of Proteus-II-EV is recommended.
Connect the two devices (modules, EV-boards or USB dongles) to a PC. A terminal program,
for example
, is used to perform the communication via COM ports. The two correspond-
ing COM ports have to be selected and opened with a default configuration of 115200 Baud, 8
data Bits, 1 stop Bit and parity set to none (8n1).
To reproduce the following sequence, note that, the
of every module
is different, thus it has to be replaced it in the commands below. In addition, the
checksum has to be adjusted, when adapting any command. The command
structure and checksum calculation is described in chapter
Note that the module goes to
mode if no connection is setup
seconds. The module will indicate this using a
. In addition, the UART is disabled in
mode. The
default value is 0s, which means that it will run forever.
Order code 2608011x24010
Version 1.11 , July 2022