User manual Proteus-II
Application note ANR026 - Proteus beacons
Besides the standard Bluetooth
LE connection based data transmission, it is possible to trans-
mit data via Bluetooth
LE without an active connection in a broadcast message, called ¨Bea-
con¨. This application note describes what beacons are and how to they can be used.
Application note ANR027 - Bluetooth listing guide
Every product containing Bluetooth
technology needs to be listed at the Bluetooth
SIG (spe-
cial interest group). This application note explains the steps to be done to gain a Bluetooth
listing for the end product using a Würth Elektronik eiSos Bluetooth
LE radio module.
Application note ANR030 - nRF Connect
This application note gives a short overview about the options to create a custom firmware
for Würth Elektronik eiSos radio modules by using the hardware platform and the embedded
nRF5x system on chip. It presents options on firmware development environments and acces-
sories (like SDKs) for the use within the nRF5 ecosystem. The reader is informed on how to
access to a multitude of radio standards (like Bluetooth
LE, Bluetooth
MESH, Bluetooth
Audio, Matter, Zigbee, Thread, Wirepas) for custom firmware developments whilst the hardware
platform can stay the same.
Application note ANR031 - Certification of custom modules
This application note explains how certifications of a standard product can be used to gain
the certification of a customized product. This is done for firmware, that has been adapted by
Würth Elektronik eiSos, as well as for firmware written by customer.
Order code 2608011x24010
Version 1.11 , July 2022