1.VOX mode and MONITOR mode are very similar, but also have a few key differences:
An intercom unit in MONITOR mode
should be put in the monitored room (like
a baby’s room)
Monitor mode lasts for up to 10 hours
The monitor does not need voice
In MONITOR mode, monitoring side
cannot send audio messages, even if you
press and hold the TALK button.
You can only hear the voice from the
monitored room (like a baby’s room) or
change to another channel or code to
speak with others
An intercom unit in VOX mode should be
stationed on your side to help you speak
without pressing and holding the TALK button
VOX mode lasts for up to 24 hours
VOX mode needs to detect someone within a
close speaking range to activate the intercom
In VOX mode, you can speak without pressing
and holding the TALK button. The other user
can press and hold the TALK button to talk to
Monitor mode
VOX mode
Present “VOX”
Press the VOX button
to enter VOX mode,
and you do not need
to press and hold the
TALK button to speak
Usage Scenario 1:
The general manager informs the entire staff that they’re having a meeting in the
meeting room in 10 minutes. In this case, the manager can use the GROUP function on the intercom
found in his office to notify all the intercoms at the same time.
General Manager Room
Channel 02 Code 02
Financial Department
Channel 03 Code 02
Channel 04 Code 02
Channel 05 Code 02
Press & Hold the
to talk to all the
members at the same time.