To adjust the height of the saddle, simply open the clamp and then position the seat-post at the desired
height and then close the clamp to lock it into position. It may be necessary to tighten the thumb screw on
the opposite side of the clamp to ensure that when the clamp is closed the seat-post is properly secured.
Adjust the thumb-screw as needed, there should be a reasonable amount of resistance in the clamp when
it’s being closed.
Important—the pedals fit a specific side of the bike.
If you attempt to fit the pedals to the wrong
side, you will damage the threads on the cranks. Also, if you
the pedals on to the wrong side
of the bike, it is very likely that they will come loose suddenly and unexpectedly.
The pedals can be identified in several ways: L or R is clearly visible on the pedal itself—see below-left. L
or R is also stamped onto the very end of the bolt, see below-right.
There are also grooves present on left pedal, that are not present on the right—see below.