Front mudguard:
To fit the front mudguard, the upper mounting tag is fitted to the rear of the forks as shown. The upper
mounting tag has an elongated hole which is used to adjust the height of the mudguard. Once the mud-
guard has been secured, you can then attach the hangars (silver arms) to the forks as shown. Once at-
tached it may be necessary to adjust the height and/or flex the hangars to get a little extra clearance be-
tween the mudguard and the tyre.
Fitting the torque arm:
The torque arm is an additional safety measure which we have included with the Big Bear. If you are only
ever going to ride your bike on smooth flat roads then the torque arm is not so critical but we would still
recommend that you install it. The torque arm is a secondary measure to secure the motor wheel to the
bike. If you are ever likely to ride your bike over rough terrain, it is essential that this device is fitted.
The torque arm should be fitted to the left side of the bike as shown. Remove the wheel nut and slide the
arm into position on the axle and then refit the nut to secure it in position.
Protect the frame using the rubber piece supplied and then loosen the jubilee clip and slide it through the
hole on the torque arm and around the fork as shown. Tighten the jubilee clip ensuring that the rubber
piece stays in place.