Manual 37259C
SPM-D11 - Synchronizing Unit
© Woodward
Page 55/79
Power Limit
The generator power is monitored for exceeding the configured threshold value. The excess is signaled with the
relay "Power limit". As long as the power is below the threshold value, the relay is energized (the contact is
closed). If the power has exceeded the threshold value for at least the configured delay, the relay contact will be
opened. The relay contact will close, after the power is below the threshold value minus the configured hysteresis
for at least a fixed delay of 1 second. Using this relay and external circuits it is possible to disconnect loads or ac-
tivate further generators.
This watchdog is not part of the generator protection functions. No message is displayed when the
watchdog is triggered, only a relay is energized.
The overload protection is intended for a generator that has been configured for equivalent operations
(see page 62).
Monitoring ON
Generator power monitoring
................ The generator real power is monitored. The following screens of this
option are displayed.
.............. There is no active power monitoring performed and the following
screens of this option are not displayed.
Power monitoring
Threshold =000%
Generator power monitoring threshold
0 to 150 %
The threshold relates to the rated power of the generator.
Power monitoring
Hysteresis =000%
Generator power monitoring hysteresis
0 to 100 %
The hysteresis relates to the rated power of the generator. This value is how much
below the threshold limit that the monitored power must drop for the controller to
terminate the power threshold limit surpassed operations.
Power monitoring
Delay time =000%
Generator power monitoring delay
0 to 600 s
To open the relay contact, the threshold hast to be exceeded continuously for the
time configured here.