Manual 36523B
DPG-2201-00X Digital Controllers
In PARAMETER SELECT MODE, each press of the INC key will cause the next
higher parameter identification number to be displayed. When the maximum
parameter identification number is reached, the next INC key press will cause the
first parameter ID number to be displayed.
For example: If the controller’s label lists 34 parameters, then pressing the
INC key when the display is blinking the value 34 will cause the display to
wrap around to the first parameter listed and begin blinking the value 01.
In PARAMETER EDIT MODE, each INC key press will increase a parameter’s
current value. If the INC key is held down while in PARAMETER EDIT MODE the
value will automatically continue to be increased at gradually faster and faster
rates until the INC key is released or the parameter’s maximum allowed value is
reached. When the lower two digits display a 99, pressing the INC (increase key)
will cause the lower two digits to display a 00 and the hundreds digit will have
been increased by 1.
DEC (decrease) Key
The DEC (decrease) key is used to decrease the displayed value.
In PARAMETER SELECT MODE, each press of the DEC key will cause the next
lower parameter number to be displayed. When the first parameter identification
number is reached, the next DEC key press will cause the last parameter ID
number to be displayed.
For example: If the controller’s label lists 34 parameters, then pressing the
DEC key when the display is blinking the value 01 will cause the display
to wrap around to the last parameter listed, which in this case is 34, and
blink this new value.
In PARAMETER EDIT MODE, each DEC key press will decrease a parameter’s
current value. If the DEC key is held down while in PARAMETER EDIT MODE the
value will automatically continue to be decreased at gradually faster and faster
rates until the DEC key is released or the parameter’s minimum allowed value is
reached. When the lower two digits display a 00, pressing the DEC (decrease
key) will cause the lower two digits to display a 99 and the hundreds digit will have
been decreased by 1.
INC and DEC Keys Together
In PARAMETER EDIT MODE, the INC and DEC keys are used together to view
the value of the upper two digits of a 4-digit number.
Press and hold both INC and DEC simultaneously to view the value of a
4-digit number’s upper two digits. Note that the left digit’s decimal point is
turned on to indicate that the thousands and the hundreds digits are being
Release INC and DEC and now the tens and the ones digits are again
being displayed. Note that the right digit’s decimal point is blinking if
editing is allowed or just ON if editing is not allowed.
Note: Not all parameters are 4-digit numbers, in which case the upper digits will
always display 0.0 (zero dot zero).
In PARAMETER SELECT MODE, pressing both the INC and DEC keys at the
same time will cause all LED segments to be turned on. This serves as an LED
test. Release the keys to resume displaying the parameter ID number.