The description of the columns is as below:
Delete VPN Key
Display the ca/key files after generated TLS/Static Key. You can select and
Delete the ca/key file here.
Upload VPN Key
Upload a certificate file from a specified file location.
Generate TLS Keys
The setting allows you to generate TLS key/ca files by the router switch.
After click Generate, the system prompts you to wait 30 seconds to generate
the key. Click Yes to start…then you will have multiple key/ca files.
Generate Static Key
The setting allows you to generate Static key by the router switch.
After click Generate, the system prompts you to wait 30 seconds to generate
the key. Click Yes to start… then you will have static.key file in the system.
Download CA
Download the generated ca.crt file here.
Copy and Upload the key to the OpenVPN client Router.
Download Client Cert
Download the generated client.crt file here.
Copy and Upload the key to the OpenVPN client Router.
Download Client Key
Download the generated client.key file here.
Copy and Upload the key to the OpenVPN client Router.
Download Static Key
Download the generated static.key file here.
Copy and Upload the key to the OpenVPN client Router while you prefer to
establish OpenVPN connectivity by using Static Key.