Wireless Sensors, LLC
Ethernet Gateway Model GWAY-1100
Version 2.0 © July 2013
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1-Wire Interface
For ease of use, the GWAY-1100 is equipped with three 1-Wire ports that are driven separately.
By driving each port separately, electromagnetic interference is reduced, electrical reflections
are reduced, each
connector has more
power available for
parasite powered de-
vices and devices can
be physically located
based on the bus they
are connected to.
Each of the 1-Wire
ports has an associ-
ated 10 ohm resistor
and jumper. The re-
sistor is in series with
the +5V out line and
the jumper is in paral-
lel with the resistor.
bridge to the jumper
shorts the resistor al-
lowing a greater amount of current to flow to the device via the +5v out pin. Only under extreme
conditions should it be necessary to short this jumper. See example schematic below.
Each port is a standard 6-Wire RJ12 jack, pinned for use with 1-Wire devices as follows: