CareCube™ Wound Treatment System is a new revolutionary aid product, which makes it
possible to carry out treatment of shin and foot wounds without any kind of lifting by the
nurse, neither in connection with lifting the leg to the desired position for treatment, nor in
order to support the leg during treatment. No more manual lifting in awkward postures, no
more lifting in order to keep the in the right position during care.
CareCube’s unique design means that it is
possible to lift the patient’s leg to the right
and most comfortable height – irrespective of whether the patient is sitting, lying supine or
on their side during treatment. The dimensions of the sides of CareCube represent the
average length of the human, tibia, femur & pelvis. This means that both tall and short
persons can be treated with
single product in the three typical positions for receiving
CareCube’s dimensions also mean that the carer can always get access to the area in need
of treatment, as the patient’s leg can be lifted/supported in such a way that the sole of the
foot, the heel and toes are accessible. If the shin has to be accessible for treatment,
CareCube can always be positioned in such a way that it only supports/lifts under the foot
CareCube lifts with air from a small compressor, which can both inflate and deflate the
CareCube. The deflated CareCube is only a few centimetres thick making it easy to slide
underneath the patient’s foot or leg. When activated, the compressor fills the CareCube
completely in approximately 20 seconds, lifting the patient’s leg to the desired height.
During treatment, the patient’s leg rests safely and comfortably on the CareCube without
any kind of assistance from the nurse.
Furthermore, CareCube is equipped with a unique internal grid system, which ensures that
the cushion also is stable when only partially inflated. In the partially inflated state, the
CareCube forms a “cradle” around the patient’s leg, which can increase patient comfort
during long treatment procedures.
The combined weight of the CareCube, the compressor, the air hose and the backpack is
only 3,2 kg (7 Lbs.), making it very easy for the wound nurse to transport e.g. from one
patient’s home to the next, if this is required. For this purpose, the CareCube is designed
from materials, which can easily be wiped down with alcohol or similar disinfectants,
eliminating risks of cross contamination with MRSA.
The CareCube Wound Treatment System has been designed to be cost effective meaning
that one system can be left each patient for as long as treatment is necessary. In this way,
expensive “cleaning time” can be freed up for treatment purposes. Once the patient’s
treatment is over, the CareCube System may easily be cleaned and re-used at a new