Important Notes
The mo du lar POS sys tem BEETLE /M-II plus con forms to the cur rent sa fe ty
stan dards for data pro ces sing equip ment.
If this device is taken from a cold environment into the operating room,
moisture condensation may form. The device must be absolutely dry
before being put into service; an acclimatization period of at least two
hours must therefore be observed.
This device is equipped with a safety-tested power cable and may be
connected only to a prescribed grounded-contact power socket.
When setting up the device, ensure that the power socket on the device
and the grounded-contact power socket are easily accessible.
To disconnect the device from the supply voltage completely, switch off
the device and disconnect the power plug of the power supply.
Ensure that no foreign objects (e.g. office clips) find their way into the
device, as this may lead to electric shocks or short-circuits.
Never plug in or unplug data communication lines during thunderstorms.
Protect devices from vibrations, dust, moisture and heat.
Always dispose of used parts, such as batteries, in an environmentally
safe manner.
The ventilation slots of the power supply must remain unobstructed to
ensure sufficient ventilation of the equipment. If the equipment is to be
fitted, you must ensure that the specified minimum distances are
maintained and constant ventilation is provided.
In emergencies (e.g. damaged housing or damaged power cable,
penetration by liquids or foreign bodies), the device must be switched off
immediately, the power plug disconnected and the Customer Service of
Wincor Nixdorf or your dealer must be notified.
The li thi um bat te ry must be dis po sed of in ac cor dan ce with lo cal
re gu la tions for spe ci al was te. In case of an im pro per chan ge of the li thi um
bat te ry it exist an explosion risk.