Safety Rules & Information
Unpacking the Equipment
dIspose of All pAckAGING mAteRIAls IN AN
eNvIRoNmeNtAlly RespoNsIble mANNeR.
1. Remove all packing materials and tape, as well as any protective
plastic and cardboard, from the unit.
2. Clean any glue residue left over from the plastic or tape.
3. Place the unit in the desired position and height.
sAve the oRIGINAl box ANd pAckAGING foR use IN
pAckAGING ANd shIppING the equIpmeNt If seRvIces
ARe Needed.
Function and Purpose
This unit is intended to be used in commercial foodservice operations
only. It is not intended for household, industrial or laboratory use.
Before using this equipment all surfaces should be cleaned and
(see "Cleaning" section on page 9). Failure to clean
surfaces before using the unit could cause food contamination.
Warning Labels
This manual contains a number of precautions to
follow to help promote safe use of this equipment.
Throughout the manual you will see additional
warnings to help alert you to potential hazards.
Warnings affecting your personal safety are indicated by:
NOTE is used to notify users of installation, operation, or maintenance
information that is important but not hazard-related.
Please remember that this manual and the warning
labels do not replace the need to be alert, to properly
train and supervise operators, and to use common
sense when using this equipment.
Installation Guidelines
These precautions should be followed at all times. Failure to follow
these precautions could result in injury to yourself and others.
to Reduce RIsk of INjuRy oR dAmAGe to the uNIt:
1. Read this manual thoroughly before installation and operation.
DO NOT proceed with installation and operation if you have any
questions or do not understand anything in this manual. Contact
your representative or the manufacturer first.
2. Remove the unit and bulbs from the box. Once your unit has
been removed from the packaging, be certain that all protective
plastics and residues are removed from all surfaces.
3. Select a location for the unit that has a level, solid, non-skid
surface that is nonflammable and away from water hazards or
sinks, and is in a well-lit work area.
4. Inspect the unit to ensure all parts have been provided.
5. Proper connections and power supply are essential for efficient
Proper Grounding
This machine is provided with a
three-pronged grounding plug.
The outlet to which this plug
is connected must be properly
grounded. If the receptacle is not
the proper grounding type, contact
an electrician. DO NOT, under any
circumstances, cut or remove the
third ground prong from the power
cord or use any adapter plug.
6. When using electrical appliances, basic precautions must always
be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury.
7. Clean this appliance thoroughly before and after each use. Refer
to cleaning instructions on page 9.
Plug heat lamp into grounded outlet with correct
voltage and sufficient power capacity. Refer to
Product Identification label on the heat lamp for
voltage and wattage requirements. The heat lamp is
designed for use on alternating current (AC) only.
Warnings related to possible damage to equipment are indicated by: