Professional Freestanding Heat Lamp
Package Contents
All units come with a Use & Care Manual, warranty registration card and the following:
EHL-2C unit
2 clear, infrared bulbs - 500W (250W ea), 120V
Owners should also ensure that no customers,
visitors or other unauthorized personnel come in
contact with this equipment. It is the responsibility
of the owner and the operator to remain alert to any
hazards posed by the function of this equipment.
If an operator is ever uncertain about a particular
task or the proper method of using this equipment,
they should ask an experienced supervisor.
Unless the operator is adequately trained and
supervised there is a possibility of injury. Owners of
this equipment are responsible to make certain that
this equipment is used properly and safely, and that
all of the instructions contained in this manual are
followed. Adherence to the requirements of local,
state or federal law is required.
Owners should not permit anyone to use this
equipment unless they are over 18 years old,
adequately trained, supervised, and have read and
understood this manual.
To ensure safe installation and operation, please carefully read and understand the following statements.
Table of Contents
Specifications ....................................................................................... 1
Package Contents ............................................................................... 3
Unpacking the Equipment ................................................................ 4
Function and Purpose ........................................................................ 4
Warning Labels .................................................................................... 4
Installation Guidelines ....................................................................... 4
Safety Precautions .............................................................................. 5
Features ................................................................................................ 6
Operation ............................................................................................. 6
Cleaning the Unit ................................................................................ 6
Troubleshooting .................................................................................. 7
Service & Repair .................................................................................. 7
Warranty ............................................................................................... 8