The reverb effect makes the piano sound like
it is in a large room. To change the reverb mix
amount, hold the Reverb button and press the
Value + or Value – buttons.
Chorus effects add shimmering movement to
a voice. The setting can be subtle to extreme.
To change the Chorus depth, hold the Chorus
button then press the Value + or Value – buttons.
Modulation effects are designed to add unique
playable sound effects to voices.
In addition to the sounds, the Rhapsody III has a
new effects section that will allow users to have
more control over their sounds called ModFX.
These new effects will be inserted into the audio
pathway of the sound to the mixer and will be
preset into the Patch. When you switch on the
specific patch a preset effect will be associated
with the sound. You can then select whether the
effect should be turned off or modified.
The ModFX Are:
1 Grand Piano
Mono Tremolo
1 Bright Piano
Mono Tremolo
2 Electric Piano 1
Stereo Tremolo
2 Electric Piano 2
Stereo Tremolo
3 Rock Organ
Rotary Fast/Slow
– Change with
Sustain Pedal
3 Church Organ
Mono Tremolo
4 Strings
Mono Tremolo
4 Synth
Stereo Tremolo
5 Vibes
Mono Tremolo
5 Nylon Guitar
Mono Tremolo
6 Acoustic Bass
Mono Tremolo
6 Electric Bass
Mono Tremolo
To turn on the ModFX function for an instrument
press the ModFX button. The effect will become
active and the ModFX LED will light.
To turn off the ModFX, press the button again.
The LED on the button will turn off.
There is a rotary effect, which is designed for the
Rock Organ voice. To select the speed of the
rotary, press the sustain pedal with your foot.
Holding down the pedal will speed up the rotary
voice to a tremolo. When the pedal is released,
the speed of the tremolo will slow down to a
chorale setting.
When the ModFX effect is active, the Electric
Piano voices and synth voice will receive a
stereo tremolo effect. All other voices (aside
from Rock Organ) have a mono tremolo effect.
To Change The Tremolo Depth:
To adjust the tremolo depth, hold the ModFX
button and press the Value + or Value – buttons.
EQ Level Setting
Use the EQ Low and High knobs to change the
EQ for the piano.
Note on Effects
There are more settings available for changing
effects settings in the Williams Piano app for
iOS. It is available on the Apple App Store.