WIKA operating instructions temperature transmitter T32.xS
Abbreviations used
PV: Process value
(primary value)
SV: Temperature of internal electronics
(secondary value)
TV: Thermocouple compensation temperature (tertiary value)
AO: Analogue output
URV: Max. value
(upper range value)
LRV: Min. value
(lower range value)
LSL: Min. sensor limit
(lower sensor limit)
USL Max. sensor limit
(upper sensor limit)
7. Notes for operating in safety-related
applications (SIL)
The model T32.xS.xxx-S (SIL version) has been
designed for use in safety-related applications.
For operation in safety-related applications the additional
requirements must be observed (see safety manual "Information on
functional safety of model T32.xS"). The instructions contained in this
must be followed without fail.
8. WIKA T32 configuration software
For installation please follow the instructions of the installation
instructions. A free-of-charge download of the up-to-date version
of the WIKA_T32 software (suitable for Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/
NT 4.0/7/VISTA) is available from www.wika.com.
8.1 Starting up the software
Start the WIKA_TT software by double-clicking on the WIKA T32 icon.
6. Commissioning, ... 8. WIKA T32 ...