Transport the load in the lowest possible position to
increase the stability of the vehicle.
Load the weighing equipment in a manner that goods are properly secured. Distribute the goods evenly.
Keep the centre of gravity close to the mounting frame and always between the measuring pins for accurate
reading. Make sure the weighing equipment is in a vertical position during the weighing process in order to
minimise inaccurate reading (+/- 1%).
Operate the weighing equipment and auxiliary equipment from the driver's seat only. Make sure the
operator has full view of the work to be carried out.
Park the transport vehicle with the weighing equipment in the lowest position. Make sure that unexpected
movements are ruled out if the combination is not being used. Place the weighing equipment on its front on
a flat, stable surface after having been uncoupled and put away.
Make sure the power cables cannot get jammed during the operation.
Make sure the weighing computer for controlling the weighing equipment is not mixed up with any other
operating equipment to prevent any inadvertent operation.