Pic 44 VLAN interface configuration page
The switch has a VLAN1 interface by default, and the interface can not be deleted. Only
one interface can be configured for one VLAN.
ARP configuration and display page
Figure 45 shows the ARP configuration and display page. This page displays all the
information of the ARP table of the switch. You can use this page to configure static ARP
entries, delete ARP entries, and modify dynamic ARP entries to static ARP entries.
When you configure a static ARP entry, you need to enter the IP address and MAC
address. The MAC address must be a unicast MAC address, and then click the Add key.
When a user deletes an ARP entry, you can choose to delete an ARP entry from one IP
address, delete an ARP entry from one network segment, delete all ARP entries, delete all
dynamic ARP entries, and delete all static ARP entries. The To delete an IP ARP entry or
delete an ARP entry from a network segment, enter the specified IP address or IP segment in
the input box. And then click the Delete key.
When a dynamic ARP entry is modified to a static ARP entry, you can choose to change
the dynamic ARP entry in a network segment to a static ARP entry. For a network segment,
enter the specified network segment in the input box. And then click the Apply button.