Radar Facts - Continued
Currently, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
permits operation of traffic radar guns at X Band
(10.500 - 10.550 GHz), K Band (24.050 - 24.250 GHz), and Ka Band
(33.400 - 36.000 GHz).
Your radar detector is designed to alarm if an officer is
transmitting on any one of the above radar bands.
Other Speed Detection Systems
Several techniques other than radar or laser are used to measure
vehicle speeds. When these methods are being used, no
detector can provide a warning.
These techniques include:
• Pacing - A patrol car drives behind you and matches your
driving speed.
• Vascar/Aircraft - The police measure the time it takes your
vehicle to travel a known distance.
Radar Detector Detectors: VG-2, Spectre
The Interceptor VG-2 or simply VG-2, is one type of microwave
receiver used by Police to detect signals radiated by the local
oscillator of a radar detector. Because its purpose is to identify
persons driving with radar detectors, these devices are known as
a “radar detector detector” (RDD). An RDD is the primary tool
used by the police to identify radar detector equipped vehicles.
If caught in a state or country where detectors are illegal drivers
risk losing their radar detector and receiving a fine. In addition,
instant-on radar is almost always used in combination with an
RDD, leaving unsuspecting motorists vulnerable to receive two
tickets; one potential for speeding, and the other for possession
of a detector.