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Test Mode D16-D20
D16 Core temperature
This function is not available on B models.
C and K models can use only one core temperature probe, it is possible, however, to
test core temperature probes 1 and 2.
Here it is possible to read the current temperature of the core temperature sensor, P2 + P2A.
In the field next to ”Temperature”, the current temperature is shown. If ERR appears, the
sensor circuit is defective.
In the field next to ”Time”, an adjustment value between 80 and 120 (default 100) is shown.
To adjust the temperature, press the time key until the digit in the display flashes. Then adjust
upwards or downwards until the correct temperature is shown. Finally, press the time key
again to save the setting.
The temperature can be adjusted by +- 10°C.
You change between the various measuring points of the core temperature probe by pressing
the step key.
1= Core temp.probe 1, point 1, 2= Core temp.probe, point 2, 3= Core temp.probe 1, point 3.
4= Core temp.probe 2, point 1, 5= Core temp.probe, point 2, 6= Core temp.probe 2, point 3.
D17 Steam generator temperature
Here it is possible to read the current steam generator temperature, P3.
In the field next to ”Temperature”, the current temperature is shown. If ERR appears, the
sensor circuit is defective.
In the field next to ”Time”, an adjustment value between 80 and 120 (default 100) is shown.
To adjust the temperature, press the time key until the digit in the display flashes. Then adjust
upwards or downwards until the correct temperature is shown. Finally, press the time key
again to save the setting.
The temperature can be adjusted by +- 10°C.
D18 Drain temperature
Here it is possible to read the current steam generator temperature, P4.
In the field next to ”Temperature”, the current temperature is shown. If ERR appears, the
sensor circuit is defective.
In the field next to ”Time”, an adjustment value between 80 and 120 (default 100) is shown.
To adjust the temperature, press the time key until the digit in the display flashes. Then adjust
upwards or downwards until the correct temperature is shown. Finally, press the time key
again to save the setting.
The temperature can be adjusted by +- 10°C (approx. 0.5°C per step).
D20 Door sensor
Here it is possible to read the status of and calibrate door sensor 1 = SE1 and 2 = SE1A.
You change between door sensor 1 and 2 by pressing the step key (if 2 door sensors have
been selected in U1).
After some time, the text “DOOR SENSOR” changes to show the status of the sensor:
You start the calibration by pressing the exhaust key.
How to calibrate:
Press exhaust key
>CLOSE DOOR< flashes
Close the door
Press exhaust key
>OPEN DOOR< flashes
Open door in first step
Press exhaust key
>CALIB OK< or >CALIB ERR< appears
In the display next to the temperature key, it is possible to read the current value (0 – 120).
In the display next to the time key, it is possible to read the set point.