EXERCISE III: Font Effects
In addition to the various justifications that can be applied to data, there are 3 visual effects that
can be implemented to effect a message’s appearance. In this exercise, not only will these effects
be applied to the “Caution Ahead” message, but the operator will begin to learn how to handle data
that spans multiple data fields.
The Mirror effect configures data so that it appears backwards on the Messenger. This allows
drivers to read these mirrored messages in their rear view mirrors. Applying the Mirror effect to
data also can require other settings to be changed. Read this section carefully before attempting to
create a Mirrored message for actual use.
1. Highlight the “Caution Ahead” message in TEST.MSG. Click the “Edit” button in the Main
Programming Window to open the Message Editing screen.
2. Click in Data Field 1, highlight the “/R” and delete those characters.
3. Highlight “CAUTION AHEAD” in the field.
4. Click the “Mirror” button. This will add a “/M” ahead of the data in Field 1 and a “/m” at the
end of the data in Field 1.
5. Click the “OK” button to close the message editing screen.
6. Click the “Display” button in the Main Programming Window. The words “Caution Ahead”
will appear on the Messenger normal size, Left Justified, but mirrored.
7. Click the “Clear” button to end the display.
In step 4, a “/M” was placed at the beginning of Field 1. This configured the message to mirror all
data in all fields, including any used fields subsequent to its location in Field 1. However, the “/m”
placed at the end of Field 1 returns the remainder of the data to normal display. Think of “/M” and
“/m” as switches that turn the Mirror effect on and off.
NOTE: If a message that would normally scroll left is also configured to be mirrored, make
sure that the direction choice is set to right.
By default, the Messenger displays illuminated characters against a non-illuminated background.
The Reverse effect reverses that arrangement so that non-illuminated characters are displayed
against an illuminated background.
1. Highlight the “Caution Ahead” message in TEST.MSG. Click the “Edit” button in the Main
Programming Window to open the Message Editing screen.
2. Click in Data Field 1, highlight the “/R” and delete those characters.
3. Highlight “CAUTION AHEAD” in the field
Fig. 15