The projector does not display an image
1. Enable the external monitor (VGA-Out) port on the computer
2. "Waking up" the projector
Some projectors have power-saving states similar to a computer's sleep
mode. Consult the projector's documentation if you need to "wake
up" the projector.
The projector image is cut off
Usually this problem occurs when the computer's display properties are set to
a resolution that the projector does not support. Similar to the LCD display, the
projector has an optimal resolution with which it works best. Consult the
projector's documentation to find the optimal resolution and set the computer's
display properties accordingly.
The computer screen turns off
The computer probably has a built-in feature that turns off the screen after a
period of inactivity to conserve the battery power. Disable the power-saving
feature that turns off the screen
Resetting the projector
Resetting the projector will fix most other problems.
1. Unplug the projector from the computer.
2. After ten seconds, plug the projector back in.
3. Set the display resolution, maximum of 1024x768, on the computer to the
projector's optimal resolution.