* Power
1. Adjust the power management settings according to user’s preferences
and environment.
2. Disable any screen savers in the operating system.
3. Disable any terminate and stay resident (TSR) applications.
4. Scan all the files on the system with an anti-virus software using the
vendor's latest virus definitions.
5. Scan the system for spyware using the anti-spyware software's latest
6. Verify the driver and firmware versions are the latest for attached hardware.
This can be verified at the manufacturer's Web site, if available.
7. Remove any attached hardware and device drivers. For testing purposes,
temporarily disconnect any devices one at a time. Ensure all attached
hardware is Advanced Power Management (APM) or Advanced
Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) compliant. This can be verified in
the hardware device User's Guide from the manufacturer.
8. Load the original or an earlier configuration.
9. Load the original configuration in the BIOS.