• We recommend the use of a meat thermometer to ensure perfectly
cooked roasts and poultry every time. If using a meat thermometer,
the meat or poultry should be removed from the roaster oven when the
thermometer reading is 5 to 10 degrees below the desired temperature.
The internal temperature will continue to rise after the meat has been
removed from the roaster oven.
• Most hams sold today are labeled as “Cook Before Eating” or “Fully
Cooked.” Ham labeled “Cook Before Eating” has been smoked or cured
but NOT cooked. This ham must be thoroughly cooked to an internal
temperature of 155º to 160°F (68º to 71ºC). The “Fully Cooked” hams have
been smoked or cured and already cooked. The ham does not require
further cooking, but heating to 140°F (60ºC) improves the flavor.
• The roaster oven cooks turkeys in less time than conventional ovens. A
25- to 28-pound (11.3–12.7 kg) unstuffed turkey will cook in approximately
3 1/2 to 4 hours. A turkey cooked in the roaster oven is moist and juicy, but
is lighter brown than a conventional oven roasted turkey.
• The Roasting Chart lists cooking times for tender cuts of meat that
are usually dry-roasted. These roasts are from the rib or sirloin area. To
tenderize cuts from the leg (ham) or shoulder/chuck area, cook in liquid for
a longer period of time.
• Times indicated are approximate and should be used only as a general
guideline. Individual cuts of meat and personal preference may dictate
longer or shorter roasting times.
• Food must be hot enough to prevent bacterial growth.
Visit foodsafety.gov for more information.